07/27/2024 admin

Dear children and parents also need fate.

When fate comes, they will come naturally.
We can’t hope for it until fate arrives.
Let’s just go with the flow and stop thinking about it all the time.
Little Moon, can your father like you? Please report it quickly.
Little moon, do you take 桑拿 it?
It’s me and my son who call our son Little Sun and our daughter Little Moon. One day shines on us and one night warms us up. We can’t be better.
What if it’s a height?
Then it’s called Little Star.
What about two?
Then a small universe.
Little Sun, Little Moon, Little Star, Little Universe
Each one sounds good. If I have so many children at a time, I guess I will laugh when I fall asleep.
Let’s not think too much about triplets. There is a certain probability of twins. The probability of having twins is much higher than that of ordinary people
Of course I know this is similar to daydreaming.
So I decided to save mankind even if I can’t save the universe, so that God can give me a triplet and I can give them the names of the little moon, the little star and the little universe.
Honey, your brain hole is not as big as usual and you still save human beings.
Regardless of whether there is a generation, even if there is a generation, you have long forgotten this generation.
So let’s just look forward to this generation.
Glared at the man’s back.
School adults some resentment to say
Section 57
You are so unromantic.
Otherwise, you should take the opportunity to make an agreement with me at this time.
How can you just throw out a sentence like this?
Mr. Giant Khan
Don’t you always hate that kind of antiscience speech?
Don’t you know that women always look at the time and place?
Under normal circumstances, I don’t believe in ghosts and gods and past lives.
But when I become a little woman, like this time, I like to listen to that kind of cliche, you know?
I’ll remember it next time.
In October, the climate in H city is cool and pleasant, and the breeze is mixed with the faint fragrance of trees, which makes people relaxed and happy.
So the two men chatted all the way to Chester Hotel, smelling flowers and trees and blowing a breeze.
When the time comes, two couples, Jiang Yukai and Mu Yan, have already arrived before them.
Today, except for three couples, he attended the wedding. The pants of the guests were all gray sports pants, and the pants were special pink shirts. In addition, he was holding two red heartshaped hot air balloons in his hand.
The custommade Tshirt is printed with the five artistic words We are married in red on the back, while the red heart is printed in front, with wedding photos of three couples printed inside.

07/26/2024 admin

Wen Ya listen lulu words can’t help but look at the ink Sina.

Mo Sina looks even more embarrassed. What are you looking at me for?
Because you are like this! Colleagues wondered why the president was so kind to Wen Ya and so fond of Wen Ya, or was he entangled with other women? They imagine that such a thing must be a misunderstanding.
Wen 约茶资源 Ya suddenly gave an awkward hand when he saw that everyone was looking back at himself. It’s okay … don’t say that. When he saw that he came to Wen Ya with food, he hurriedly called everyone to eat food.
When everyone saw that Wen Ya didn’t want to get up, they all smiled in good faith. This matter was stopped.
But Wen Ya hasn’t breathed a sigh of relief. Ink Sina here put a piece of fish in Wen Ya’s bowl. Don’t worry if you don’t stab.
Hearing the cold air around you, I knew that my colleagues must feel cruelty to animals again, but it was Mo Sina who did this, not myself.
Wen Ya some embarrassed lowered his head and dared not go to see the ink Sina again.
Colleagues here tut tut ink Sina suddenly gather together around Wen Ya you should also take the sample now.
Shoot … Come on? !
Wen Ya heard these three words and thought that the camera that had not been robbed by herself suddenly looked scared and forgot it when she was teased by Mo Sina about her car that day.
Wenya couldn’t help but cry in my heart. It was a ink Sina that did not change! Now he has become that bad guy full of bad taste, trying to torture Wen Ya! This bad guy is really annoying!
I hate her, but I blush quietly.
Ink Sina still maintains this ambiguous posture. That Ning Hao probably needs to stay in it for a while. He is suspected of money laundering and even murder … Ink Sina said here and stared at Wen Ya with ponder eyes. You didn’t look at the man except me. Remember to be good. You can’t be with anyone except me.
Is this a restriction on your actions? Wen Ya stare big eyes looking at the ink SiNa haven’t say words of resistance ink SiNa corners of the mouth evoked a evil spirit smile.
Wen Ya heart quiver this is a foul! How can ink Sina seduce Wen Ya by being handsome? He smiled so much that Wenya didn’t even know how to start complaining.
Wen Ya plaintively looked at Mo Sina and followed him to swallow the rest of his words. This man is too foul!
Colleagues can’t help but envy them when they see their two show love. When can they meet such a good man as the president? It’s enough to give them a man who is so gentle and likes them so much!
Ahem, it’s better to look handsome
I envy you.
Come to my senses, my colleagues raised their glasses and looked at Wen Ya for a drink.
Ink Sina block in front of Wen Ya she can’t drink a cup, but these are all etiquette. I’ll do it. Ink Sina said and gulped down with a glass.
The body of the Chapter three hundred Truth or dare
This is an absolute foul! Do you have a wife if you are so bold and show your love … meowed but don’t hurt.
Colleagues whine envy watching ink Sina maintain Wen Ya move silently ate the food on the plate … They followed Wen Ya and ate it, right?
Wen Ya looked at ink Sina rolling Adam’s apple inexplicably felt a stir.
Ink SiNa put the glass at first glance to Wen Ya immediately saw Wen Ya that shy appearance.
He paused for a moment and smiled before Wen Ya make anthomaniac? I can’t help it. I’m too handsome. You are my beloved woman. I allow you to stare at me all the time.
What ….. Wen Ya’s heart nearly stopped. This man really thinks he is the overbearing president. Who is infatuated … Who peeked at him? Is she fair and square? !
It’s hard for Mo Sina to breathe after drinking wine. It’s very tempting to mix some alcohol with Mo Sina’s body and smell the faint perfume.
Wen Ya some crazy in love see ink Sina corners of the mouth with a smile immediately recovered shan shan cough a quickly hide the past.
Ink Sina was extremely satisfied with Wen Ya’s reaction. I knew Wen Ya would have such a lovely look. The more colleagues have dinner, the better.
They looked at Wen Ya and ink SiNa show loving action in the mind can’t lift the torch … Burn the President? Absolutely not! The president, however, is their food and clothing parents. This kind of thing is even an idea!
Someone blinked and suddenly became curious. Why don’t we play truth or dare? Isn’t it silly for the president to have dinner with them and play games with them?
Wen Ya was a little surprised that she seldom had fun after dinner with others. Wen Ya was a little embarrassed and looked at her colleagues Truth or dare?
Well, it’s just a game where you put a small bottle on the table and turn around. Whoever turns to it will choose truth or big adventure, explained Wang Rui kindly Wen Ya.
It sounds interesting, but how does Wen Ya feel that no matter which kind of risk is great?
good! Wen Ya also hesitated that Mo Sina had agreed with a smile, as if he was worried that Wen Ya would go back on his word. Mo Sina caught Wen Ya’s hand and smiled. It’s rare to get together and have fun with colleagues, right?
Wen Ya listen to ink SiNa say so in my heart always feel that people who want to play this game seem to have ink SiNa one?
See all the people are looking forward to watching their Wen Ya riding a tiger difficult to squeeze out a smile reluctantly agreed to come.
Hit it off. Colleagues took the bottle and put it on the table, thinking that it was the first time that the ink Sina was going to reciprocate.
Ink Sina raised an eyebrow and looked at Wen Ya colleagues for the first time. How many times will they be abused?
Ink SiNa back eyes corners of the mouth but there is a determined smile, he turned and looked at Wen Ya with a smile, and then the bottle stopped and pointed to Wen Ya. It was like being calculated by ink SiNa.
Mo Sina gently tutted an elbow to support the table and looked at Wen Ya with a smile. What a coincidence! Is this our fate?
Wen Ya held her arms or she was really worried that she would get goose bumps. And they were afraid that hooligans have culture … Just like Wen Yaxian, she is really afraid that Mo Sina will say sweet nothings alone at ordinary times, which is fatal!
Wen Ya colleagues incredibly embarrassed eyes up I … I choose … She glanced at the ink Sina malicious heart I choose adventure.
Isn’t it a death to choose the truth in front of the south of Moses?
Can ink SiNa smile then choose a heterosexual kiss him for three seconds
Colleagues can’t help but follow yi.
Ink SiNa eyebrow what’s the matter? Isn’t it a big adventure? Shouldn’t you play bigger?
See ink Sina dissatisfied with these needs to rely on him. wannabe gave a nervous hand and kowtowed to ink Sina. The president is simply too English!
Ink Sina listened to the people kiss up to the kind smile and looked at Wen Ya without blinking.

07/25/2024 admin

I want to challenge you with gambling.

True Gui Erlang’s eyes are bright and he is afraid that Li Ling will regret the road. You all heard that he has accepted my challenge.
Sitting at the gambling table next to Yamaguchi Benzhu, I couldn’t help but get up and go to Guier Langjiu and whispered, Guier Jun, we have won a billion dollars and can stop.
Ben Zhujun, what are you worried about? Are you afraid that I will lose? Although I’m far less gambling than Ben Zhujun, it’s enough to deal with a dude. Gui Erlang glanced at the gambling table. How could I lose if Mr. Er secretly helped me?
神级美女统 第3章 要耍赖?还是耍横?
桂儿郎九猛地抬头看向李凌“你你出千怎么可能会出现牌同花顺 新奇中文iqi”

07/24/2024 admin

I asked you what the names of the men and women were. The middleaged man deliberately asked.

The male name is Zhou Zhengqi and the female name is Li Xiabing.
What The middleaged man was taken aback when he heard the word Xia Bing.
What’s wrong with father? Chen Xiafeng asked incredulously.
Nothing. Do you know that they are criminals who have been wanted for a long time? asked the middleaged man.
Then how dare you take them in?
They were both framed. You must believe me. Chen Xiafeng continued to argue.
Well, whether they are wronged or not has a bad influence on us. If the police find them from our home, we can’t get away with it.
Father, they are my friends, and I trust every word they say.
Xia Feng, you spa会所 are so simple. Things outside are not as simple as you think.
Father please don’t hurt them.
No, if they don’t leave in two days, I’ll have them arrested and sent to the police station. The middleaged man was very determined.
Hum Chen Xiafeng will face glance to the other side.
this is that way you talk to your fath.
I’m upset.
Go out and reflect on what you did wrong. How dare I give you the company after you are so angry?
Zheng Qi, did you find that no middleaged man is up to no good to us? Li Xiabing woke Zhou Zhengqi.
Well, maybe he is very afraid of our identity, Zhou Zhengqi guessed.
Hey, it’s not that you don’t leave now or what to do.
Can I come in? Chen Xiafeng knocked at the door outside.
Well, come on in, Li Xiabing promised
Chen Xiafeng opened the door and walked in with his head down.
What’s the matter? What’s so unhappy? Li Xiabing asked.
Hey, my father won’t accept you. I’m sorry.
Don’t say that, we will leave in two days. Seeing that Chen Xiafeng is difficult, Li Xia Bing decided this way
No, you are not so decisive. Chen Xiafeng could not bear to leave Li Xiabing.
I will bring you many dangers if I stay here, so I’d better leave early.
The fate of the two people is like listening to the decomposition.
Chapter one hundred and ten Father conflict
The sun has risen in the morning, but Li Xiabing and Zhou Zhengqi are still asleep. They seem to have forgotten that they are still in danger.
There was a knock at the door.
Come in Li Xiabing was awakened by these knocking at the door.
See Chen Xiafeng pushed open the door with two boxes of snacks in his hand. He slowly put the snacks on the bedside table.
This is your breakfast. Please eat it quickly. Don’t let me be hungry here. Chen Xiafeng said with heart.
Thank you Li Xiabing patted Zhou Zhengqi Wake up for breakfast
Ah Zhou Zhengqi was opened by Li Xiabing before he could react.
What’s wrong with you? Zhou Zhengqi said impatiently.
Then you can skip breakfast. Li Xiabing said with a smile.
If it’s nothing, I’ll go out first. Chen Xiafeng finished and went out.
Shall we stay here today? Zhou Zhengqi asked Li Xiabing around him.
What should I do? To be honest, I really don’t know what to do. Eldest brother Xia Feng finally promised to take us in, but this kind of thing happened again. At this time, Li Xiabing seemed preoccupied.
Don’t we have another goal? I think we should find a chance to go there. Zhou Zhengqi woke up.
Yesterday, we made a noise like that, and it is estimated that we have lost the opportunity. The sen is not stupid. Li Xiabing lamented Zhou Zhengqi.
I think we should take the initiative to find Chen Xiafeng’s father, Zhou Zhengqi suggested.
I think I need to talk to him, Li Xiabing muttered.
After breakfast, Li Xiabing came to Chen Xiafeng’s father’s room and knocked on the door.
Who’s coming in?
Li Xiabing pushed open the door and came to Chen Fu.
It’s you. What can I do for you? Chen Fu asked.
So do you want to let us go directly? Li Xiabing asked.
Well, yes, that’s what I meant. By the way, it’s very polite that I didn’t kick you out immediately yesterday, Chen Fu said seriously
Well, I admit that you are afraid of our identity and don’t want us to stay here. Li Xiabing bowed his head and said, I will leave today without bothering you.
Just as Li Xiabing was about to step out of the door, Chen Fu stopped her, Wait a minute.
Do you have something to say to me? Li Xiabing turned around and asked.
Your name is Li Xiabing Chen Fu asked.
So that’s it, so that’s it. Can you lift up your sleeves and let me have a closer look?
What do you want? Why should I? Li Xiabing asked.
I used to have a daughter, but she was taken away by that bitch. I have missed her very much for years. Father Chen spoke his mind for many years
What does that have to do with me? Li Xia Bing asked coldly.

07/23/2024 admin

Bai Yan is really good.

Over the years, she has been silently guarding Lu Jingcheng, and she will never leave or pester him when he needs it.
Ann nodded hard. I hope they are all well.
Must be good
Good people deserve the warmest happiness in the world.
When Ann left the hospital, she looked back at the window on the fifth floor and stood a tall and straight figure. It was too far away in the dark, and Ann still couldn’t see clearly.
Is that Lu Jingcheng?
Maybe it’s just an illusion.
Ann silently chanted Goodbye!
This farewell should be farewell.
The plane arrived at Xicheng Airport in the early hours of the next day.
Ling Yikun and Luo Tianye came to pick up the plane.
Xiao Huhu walked in front of Ling Yikun and immediately ran to his arms and shouted, Uncle Huhu misses you so much.
Ling Yikun took the little girl into his arms and glanced at Ling Yicheng’s dark 桑拿 face, but he couldn’t help kissing her tender little face.
Small gunk was holding his neck giggling.
Luo Tianye’s hands stretched out in a hurry, and my little girl hung so weakly. What’s so sad about his brotherinlaw?
It was not until Ou Porcelain came out that he regained his spirits.
I want to hug, too, said Luo Tianye, and quickly reached out to the European porcelain. Little porcelain, little porcelain, Tianye misses you so much.
Ou porcelain smiled and generously gave him a hug; Long time no see, three little
Also called three little? How many times have I said it?
Ling Yicheng’s face is darker.
Luo Peijuan unscrewed Luo Tianye’s arm before he saw it. Haven’t you seen your mother, bunny? Why don’t you miss me?
Luo Tianye a face of injustice mom, you have to kiss and hug and go home to dad.
The golden opportunity was missed, and now he has no reason to embrace Ou Porcelain.
Looking back at the European porcelain, someone has arbitrarily put the European porcelain circle in her arms, and no one wants to get close to it.
Luotianye immediately beat his chest and stamped his feet with resentment.
Ou Yue took a sniff when she finally saw Ling’s family close.
Luotianye didn’t know Ou Yue would come back, and suddenly he didn’t have a good temper when he saw nature like this.
Yo yo who is this?
Anyway, he was angry and caught a punching bag, but right?
Ou Yue stares at him coldly with eyebrows and eyes.
Luotianye turned a circle around Ou Yue and then kept rolling their eyes. Isn’t this Miss Ou Jia Da? Oh, no, there seems to be no European home now.
Luo Tianye said and felt that there seemed to be something wrong with this. After all, Ou Porcelain is also named Ou.
Forget it. Good men don’t fight women.
He took the suitcase from Ling Yicheng with a slight hum. I’ll drive first.
Song Chuan is also waiting outside to see Luo Tianye hurry forward to help three little I come.
Say that finish quickly put the suitcase into the trunk.
Ling’s family and his party also came out. Ling Yicheng is arranging parking spaces. He has a small porcelain car, Ling Yikun, Luo Tianye and Luo Peijuan, and Song Chuan is responsible for sending Ou Yue to Ling Shiqi Hotel.
Luotianye sympathetically glanced at Song Chuan instantly feel better.
Three cars are driving in different directions.
Ling Yikun went back to Ling’s old house, Ling Yicheng, and headed for the Blue Mountain Green Pavilion, while Song Chuan sent Ou Yue to the hotel building.
Ou Yue kept silent until the car arrived, and she said a thank you lightly.
This makes Song Chuan inexplicably uncomfortable
A vicious person like Ou Yue will say thank you. It’s amazing, and it feels like the world suddenly changed.
Song Chuan watched Ou Yue enter the hotel and then turned around.
After he left, Ou Yue came out of the hotel.
She called a taxi Master goes to Jingshan Community
It used to be the home of European villas.
The master simply answered OK!
Going back to Xicheng after a few years, Ou Yue has the illusion of suddenly dreaming. The night view of Xicheng is enchanting and fascinating.
South Africa once dreamed of going home, but today she finally got it.
Ou Yue turned his face to the window and looked greedily at the familiar streets and highrise buildings. Before he knew it, he was already in tears.
The taxi driver was frightened and quickly pulled a piece of paper and handed it to her. Little girl, are you lovelorn?
Ou Yue tried not to touch the master’s hand when she took the tissue. She shook her head with a strong nasal voice. No is homesick.
homesick? The master smiled. It’s not easy to miss home. Just go home and spend more time with your parents.
Ou yue gently well one.
Ou Yuelai stopped at the door of the taxi community and was about to go in when she was stopped by the community security guard.

07/22/2024 admin

Xiao Yan thinks so, too, but this is a different situation, which has seriously affected the urban public security and the citizens’ police station. They will definitely not let it go, and they will also track down the plane.

If the police suspect us, you can deny it unless they get the evidence for us to refute.
Xiao Yan nodded. Yes, I know. Can Manager Gu still explain it?
Gu Zhuoyang’s attitude is aweinspiring. Gu Gu’s old house is still there. Give me the latest pinhole cameras in every corner and connect them to my brain to remember not to attract my grandfather’s attention or they will guess something. I don’t want them to worry.
There is also an Muxi who will study every class now. From today on, let the delay be delayed. When her driver secretly sends someone to protect her, she can do it for the time being.
But gu always need to quell those online comments? I’m afraid this kind of thing is getting worse for us.
Gu Zhuoyang got up from the big chair and strode to the French window. He looked out at the gloomy weather with deep eyes and thought for a few seconds. He replied, It’s not necessary to calm down now, which will arouse the police’s suspicion.
You stare spa会所 at the police station, follow them up, investigate and improvise.
Gu Zhuo Yang Shen ordered
This matter is beyond his control and must be handled with caution.
The fact that the Guggenheim Regiment is second to none depends on the resolute means and wisdom of the helmsman, rather than the oppression of power.
Therefore, although the police station respects Gu’s family, it does not mean that they will be allowed to violate the law and do justice. There are timid people in their hearts, and the police naturally have newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers.
And pay attention to appease the emotions of Xiao Zhou’s family and meet all their needs.
Xiao Yan returned with a heavy life.
Gu Zhuoyang put his hands in his trousers pockets, and his gloomy and handsome face remained as long as he was covered with a layer of smog.
Black snake … The fist in his pocket suddenly tightened his brow, reflecting an amazing murderous look.
He’s just a thug, or he’s beaten to death when he’s severely beaten, but it doesn’t make sense to dare to defy him again and again!
It might be more eloquent to say that someone else wants to play dead!
Yeah, who is it?
There are four people who know that except Gu Zhuoyang and Xiao Yan, Xiao Zhou is only delayed. Just now, the news is delayed to tell Xiao Yan.
Delay has always been responsible for organizational matters. Xiao Yan asked him out after leaving the company, which meant that the whole person was blackfaced from learning of Xiao Zhou’s tragic death to the present state of mental tension. I thought about how to avenge Xiao Zhou and didn’t listen to Xiao Yan.
Xiao Yan’s mood is also very slag, but the thought of their three brothers’ friendship is overwhelming, and he wants to rush to delay the outbreak of that anger.
He patted him on the shoulder, took a deep breath, and said as calmly as possible, I know that you are upset about the delay, and I am also upset about General Gu, otherwise he would not let me appease Xiao Zhou’s family.
But now that things have happened, the only thing we can do is to be more cautious in the postaction. This is about knowing your enemy and knowing yourself. Didn’t you follow me before? Have you ever heard that the world is organized by a multinational alliance?
Delayed smell speech finally looked at Xiao Yan’s pupil and shrank as if he saw something terrible. What did you say?
Xiao Yan reacted with surprise and patiently repeated multinational alliance organization?
Delay turned pale for a moment. He withdrew his eyes and his fists suddenly pinched and rattled.
Have you heard Xiao Yan appraised and looked at him What do you know?
He tugged at the delay arm as if he had got the hope to avenge Xiao Zhou. He was anxious and asked, What are you hesitating about at this time of delay? If we don’t understand each other’s bottom, we probably can’t even protect you from General Manager Gu except that we can’t avenge Xiao Zhou.
Delay pulled his hand back and his face was full of pain.
The more he does this, the worse Xiao Yan feels.
There is such a dark organization. They are extremely lowkey, unknown in name, location and scale, but they are capable of doing evil things. After years of police involvement in the investigation, they have been brutally persecuted. Someone gave them a code name D ,which means death.
Looking back at Xiao Yan’s complicated eyes with delay, And I …
Used to be one of them.
Xiao Yan was stunned.
Xiao Ge, I’m sorry I lied to you, lied to the president. I didn’t grow up in an orphanage. My real identity is G. My family was not a good person since they were children in the black house. I’ve done everything except steal chicks.
When I was 18, my family was killed. I hid in a cupboard and witnessed the scene of a river of blood destroying my family. Since then, I have started my life. I probably shouldn’t have died. When I was ten years old, I couldn’t escape my life. Someone saved me. Later, I became his most effective and ruthless killer.

07/21/2024 admin

After the start of the halfgame, it was obvious that Rome was going to launch a new offensive at this time to take back the initiative.

They have recovered some strength after fifteen minutes’ rest.
But Prandelli is worried that Lazio will continue this pace at halftime, so Rome won’t last long.
Therefore, we must score as soon as possible and equalize the score as soon as possible.
He also has no good way to make the players work harder and harder.
If this is an ordinary game, he can really make the team shrink and defend for 45 minutes and slowly play a defensive counterattack with Lazio.
But first of all, the scene is not good, and you may not win the game next time.
But at least we can avoid losing more goals.
It’s a Roman derby. It’s unusual. He can’t do this.
It is a scene that is not good enough for the fans to spray him to death.
If you lose in the end … no matter how many, the fans think that even if you lose one goal, it’s a loss!
If he loses, he will be attacked immediately, and anything difficult to obey will come out, and gossip, news and scandals will emerge one after another …
Because this is the Roman derby, there are two games in a year, and it is the only one to be independent of him.
That’s the Roman derby
Even if you lose the League title and the Champions League title, you will be sought after and praised by everyone if you can beat your bitter rivals in the Rome derby.
There are not many choices that Prandelli can make in this game.
Rome did well when they attacked with the ball, especially Totti was very active. He seemed to want to prove that Rome could get along well without constant victory because of me!
But they can’t guarantee that they will score again every attackno one can guarantee it.
But in this way, once they don’t score and the ball falls to Lazio’s foot, the situation will be completely different.
People have the feeling that they are still watching half a game.
Lazio keeps a highspeed and fast pace, and once Rome loses possession, it is difficult to get it back, so it is the most tiring to run after Lazio’s ass.
In order to break the ball, the Roman players had to foul more frequently.
Don’t say that their defensive strategy is really effective.
At least 10 minutes after halftime, Lazio has not threatened Rome’s goal yet.
However, it is really ugly to do so. After the game, no matter whether you win or lose, you will be scolded by the media.
Prandelli doesn’t care so much, and Roman players don’t care so much
They want to beat Lazio and let Lazio go to hell!
Prandelli was relieved to see that the foul tactics had worked.
Just as he was going to return to the coach’s seat from the sidelines to have a drink and sit down for a while, he saw Chang Sheng next door get up and walk from the coach’s seat to the sidelines.
What seems to be the adjustment?
Prandelli stopped his steps and turned to look at Changsheng. He wanted to see what Changsheng was going to do.
Seeing Changsheng whistling, the sharp whistle attracted the attention of Lazio players.
Then he made a gesture.
Prandelli can’t understand this gesture, but he doesn’t want to understand it himself.
So Prandelli didn’t want to go back. He went back to the sidelines and wanted to see how Lazio would respond …
It won’t take long.
Because then five minutes later, Rilazio actually came with a threelegged long shot!
Prandelli thought of the match between Lazio and AC Milan.
After that game, AC Milan was strictly defended and was smashed by Lazio Heavy Artillery Corps!
One foot after another finally made AC Milan’s worldclass defenders surrender!
Think of AC Milan’s old but experienced and outstanding gold medal defense line, and then think about your current defense line …
Prandelli suddenly felt a little cold in his back.
He clenched his teeth and clenched his fist.
After dealing with Lazio speed, there should be no problem.
I didn’t expect Lazio to have his weapon hidden in front of him, and then suddenly take it out in the game …
At this time, I felt a little unwilling to despair when I saw Lazio’s longrange shot …
Physical confrontation advantage, physical strength advantage, speed advantage and ball control technology advantage now have another longrange advantage …
How can Rome fight such an opponent?
He hates to admit it, but he’s really capable …
A feeling of despair crept into his mind.
The Olympic Stadium in Rome is still full of all kinds of noises, boos, songs and shouts, but Prandelli can’t pay attention to them.
He can analyze the form of the next gameif Lazio can’t be stopped from shelling the goal again, it will be sooner or later. After losing three goals, the game will be over for Rome
Although this is the same city derby, it is also necessary to pay attention to 约茶资源 objective factors.
It’s sheer nonsense to be saved after all this fighting.
Even if they resist the longrange attack during this period, Lazio will always maintain their speed advantage, and Rome will be dragged down sooner or later!
The road is over!
Chapter 44 Fan riots and predeparture
Lazio scored a goal in the fiftyfifth minute of longrange shooting, and the continuous longrange shooting increased the chances of [Precision Strike] taking effect.
The more times the range of the shooting box is, the greater the chance of scoring.
In the 55th minute, Melo made a long shot about 30 meters away from the goal.
Does goalkeeper Doni save the football?
Football is like a shell from a chamber, and it flies into Rome!
“3! 3! ! Lazio leads Rome by three goals away! This is really an unexpected score! It should have been a close Roman derby, but it became onesided!
When Lazio scored the first two goals, Roman fans in the stands could hiss to express their resentment and dissatisfaction with Lazio.
But now hush is much smaller.
Because they lost their temper after being beaten!
Even if Lazio is ranked high in the league, there is no such gap between the two teams.
Rome is a strong team and a quasigiant, but it is unscientific that Lazio is such a downandout team!

07/20/2024 admin

Let’s go! Jin Xiche said, take the lead in leaving.

Anyuan hurriedly followed.
In this way, Jin Xiche walked in front of Anyuan and walked behind. The two tandem sat in the black extended Audi.
Jin Xiche didn’t speak all the way. He looked ahead and didn’t know what he was thinking.
Anyuan didn’t speak, clutching his shirt.
After more than ten minutes, the car stopped and Jin Xiche got off.
Anyuan looked around with his eyes open. Where is this? Not the koi fish Hotel?
Night club?
car! Come to the man’s command tone
Oh! Although I don’t know what Jin Xiche is trying to do, she still obediently got into the car, holding his white shirt in her hand and refusing to let it go like a treasure.
Jin Xiche frowned slightly. Still holding it?
Ah? Anyuan looked at her white shirt and wondered if she wouldn’t throw it away.
The man sighed slightly, put it in the car for a while before returning to the hotel.
oh! Good! So Anyuan was relieved. Carefully put the shirt back in the car, only to find that the man had left, and she quickly followed.
Follow Jin Xiche came to a door and a dozen men in black guarded the door.
Jin Xiche went in Anyuan a surprised one leng also hurriedly follow in.
Che! You are here at last? Fan Yi waved at him, and the emperor finally arrived, which made people wait for a long time!
Oh, it’s been a long time. Lan Longtian pouted and spoiled for a second. He saw the person behind Jin Xiche but suddenly opened his eyes!
How could he not recognize this face! If it weren’t for this face, how could he be beaten by the boss!
Yu brothers were surprised to see this uninvited guest. Why did she come?
Chapter 26 is a young lady
Anyuan walked in and saw that face at a glance! Face! She will never forget it! This man slapped her twice and almost gave her a concussion!
Oh? Fan Yi’s eyes flashed with an ambiguous smile and whistled. This woman is quite beautiful in such a dress! Although the hickey on her neck is blocked by hair, it is also looming.
Several of his brothers looked at Anyuan not to talk.
Blue Dragon Day is stupefied. Did the boss bring this woman here to settle accounts?
Anyuan stared at the blue dragon day and didn’t give a good face.
Jin Xiche face as usual cold game.
Ah? Fan Yi is a bit dull. What does the boss ask him to do? Isn’t the protagonist a bachelor?
How many women did you bring back? Jin Xiche suddenly said?
Fan Yi’s eyes flashed suddenly. Eldest brother, do you want to change girls with me? I have no problem! Three for one! As he spoke, he put one in Anyuan.
What? Anyuan’s face turned platinum. Did Xiche dress her up so beautifully that she could be an escort?
Jin Xiche reached out his finger and slammed the head of the puzzle. You always look at those goods!
Fan Yi painfully touched himself spa会所 and ate a chestnut head. The boss looks down on me and looks down on me.
Little useless talk! What about people! Jin Xiche is impatient.
Section 15
It’s in the small room! Fan Yi dare not be poor and honest again.
Jin Xiche turned to Anyuan and said, You go in there and stay. I’ll call you when I’m done.
Oh! Anyuan should stare at the blue dragon day and walk to the small room inside, but he thought Jin Xiche was having a meeting with these gangsters? Is this the stronghold?
After Anyuan left, several brothers looked at each other and became serious. It’s time for the meeting.
As soon as Anyuan entered the small room, it attracted the attention of three women and thought, Who is this woman? Which eldest brother brought the woman?
Ah! Which nightclub are you? Why haven’t I seen you? A woman in a miniskirt was smoking a cigarette and took a look at Anyuan and asked her stage name is the world of mortals.
Anyuan frowns. She’s not a nightclub * * * * * *! I ignored the woman and sat on the sofa far away from them.
Oh, hey! It’s noble to be a chicken! A woman with a foreign accent and heavy makeup disdained to look at Anyuan. It’s just wearing white! It’ s true that you are a day! Her stage name is Le Xiaoyao.
Don’t say that she is really different from your class. She wears that dress, which is Chanel’s latest model. One dollar is worth our annual income. At this moment, a woman with red lips and an old sea singer hairstyle stared at Anyuan dress and said that her stage name was Zuiyan.
Anyuan was shocked and touched herself. Is this skirt so expensive? How much do they earn a month? Two thousand?
Hey! Le Xiaoyao a listen to go past eyes staring at Anyuan skirt this what cloth? Is it that expensive? Let me touch it, okay? She asked Anyuan, but kept putting that dress on her eyes. Can’t she afford to wear it or touch it?
Anyuan frowns. What is there to touch?
Without the consent of Anyuan, Le Xiaoyao reached out and touched Anyuan’s thigh.
hey! Anyuan suddenly got up and looked at her coldly.
ouch! Le Xiaoyao shouted, This cloth is really nice! As smooth as tofu!
Lele! Come here! At this time, the world of mortals suddenly roared and glanced at Anyuan. You can’t touch the nobility of others!
Cut! Le Xiaoyao pursed her mouth and patted her hand. It’s just a noble chicken! He turned and walked to the other side to sit.
What did you say! Anyuan coldly stared at Le Xiaoyao.
Le Xiaoyao has been sitting on the sofa stretching his legs and holding his chest squinting at Anyuan isn’t it? Can come here? Women are brought by men! What to pack!
Anyuan bit her lip and angered her. Even if she gave it to Jin Xiche, it was not her escort!
All right, all right! At this time, I got drunk and twisted my waist with a glass of red wine in my hand. I smiled at Anyuan. Lele, the human brain, speaks simply without thinking. We are all literate people, so don’t dispute with her, don’t you think so? To this cup is and hangover she handed the red wine to Anyuan.
Anyuan looks at this woman like an old sea singer, feeling that some cultural details are a polite woman, and she doesn’t want to cause trouble, so she thinks about it.
Thanks, but forget this drink. She doesn’t like drinking.
Zuiyan frowned. You just won’t forgive Lele?
Slice! Whatever! Happy at large despise way
It’s not that I don’t like drinking, Anyuan explained.
Zuiyan charming smile oh! Drink it once you are born and cooked twice! She handed the wine to Anyuan.
Really, Anyuan declined.
Come on! Zuiyan added that if you push me, this glass of red wine will spill.

07/19/2024 admin

Well, of course, my baby daughter asks her father for help.

Lin Wanbai hesitated. It’s just that a friend of mine can’t always find a suitable job here. Are there any jobs there?
There seems to be a shortage of clerks in your brotherinlaw’s factory.
Before I finished, I saw Liu Mo leaning against the door and said, Who allowed you to talk?
Dad obviously got excited when he heard Liu Moyin. Did you let him answer the phone next to Olivia?
Lin Wanbai reluctantly called Dad
But in the end, I couldn’t beat my father and handed the phone to Liu Mo. My dad wants to talk to you.
Liu Mo low eyes looked at the mobile phone expression took the hello.
Lin Wanbai doesn’t know what his father told him. When he sees Liu Mo, he will always answer with a smile. Yes, I know, don’t worry. This is no problem. It’s just like an obedient soninlaw
Then there was a bunch of things that Lin Wanbai didn’t quite understand about the company. She said very seriously, professionally and carefully.
Finally, he hung up and resumed his usual cold appearance. As he walked to the office, he said, Your father said you had something to ask me, but he was embarrassed to say it.
Lin Wanbai frowned. Before his desk, he informed him that his father would definitely tell him about it. There is no nonsense from my father.
Liu Mo picked up the pen and looked at her face. The fivefinger print faded gradually, but there was still a clear long print. It should have been scratched when I hit her face just now. I wanted to say something about myself, like so my company just needs a few front desks.
Looking up at him, he is looking at the file in his hand and biting his lip. He just wants to beg him himself. He just wants to speak for himself.
Stubbornly looked at him but never spoke.
Liu Mo looked at her lip with a cold hum and was bitten red by herself. Lin Wanbai tempted, Is the salary at the front desk of our company that bs sighed Lin Wanbai or compromised? I have something to ask you. Then I took a deep breath and saw that he raised his eyebrows and looked at himself with interest. I want you to help my friend find a job.
Liu Mo asked, It’s the first time that she is willing to give up her child.
Lin Wanbai pursed her mouth and said nothing.
She had guessed that he would humiliate himself. Even if she had prepared herself early, she would still have a habitual pain when he did it again.
Seeing her like this, Liu Mo quipped, What else can you give up or what benefits can I get from helping you this time?
Staring at him, seeing his eyebrows raised, looking at himself with a confident look, I knew that I would beg him in the end.
I have nothing to give up, but what benefits do you want?
Seeing Lin Wanbai compromise and sarcastic smile opened his mind and opened the topic You came with Allen today
Yeah, he said he was on his way.
Liu Mo chuckled drop by
Lin Wanbai probably understood that he smiled and didn’t answer the words.
Hearing that he was very ugly, he sneered, If it were a man, you would go. Why are you so shameless?
When he heard this, he wanted to laugh. He always wanted to slander himself. He always felt that he was the kind of easy virtue woman. He felt that he had heard a big joke. Since he always thought so, he could think whatever he wanted. Anyway, it was futile to explain it again.
What he wants to hear is that he has always recognized the answer in his heart.
Bao Wang w w w b a o s h u 7 o m
See Lin Wanbai a sneer, but unlike the former meeting, Liu Mo raised his eyebrows and said, Why don’t you talk is the default?
Turn your head to one side and see the sound of highrise buildings across 品茶 the window. It’s a little ethereal. Think whatever you want. You won’t believe me anyway.
Well, that’s true, but I still want to hear you defend yourself.
Lin Wanbai sneer at a turn back to the beginning of the topic you say what benefits will let Yin Bing come to the front desk
Liu Mo got up and took a look at her, then put his hands in his pockets and walked into her office. She knew what he wanted.
He want to be that last thing he want to do forever.
He knew he was afraid to resist, but he had to do it.
Holding back his anger, he saw him lying flat on the bed behind him and ordered, Come and massage me.
It seems that since that time, he has been in love with him and asked himself to massage him.
Lin Wanbai sat by the bed and pinched his thick shoulders, which was not very convenient. Liu Mo also felt sit by me
Lengleng still sat there.
When Liu Mo fell asleep, his hand strength became lighter and lighter, and then he wanted to get up from him.
I heard his voice a little lazy want to leave
Body zheng deeply spit out a sigh of reliefjust scared you sleep without me
Come and lie next to me.
Lin Wanbai came from him and sat beside him.
Liu Mo gave her a look, and her eyes were horizontal. I said it’s a bit of a favor to lie down and be so naughty.
Reluctantly lying next to him, Liu Mo stroked his cheek. Have you figured out any benefits for changing your friend’s job?
Lin Wanbai is lying straight. If she doesn’t talk and closes her eyes, she looks like a dead body.
When he touches his body, he can’t help but tense up.
Answer truthfully no

07/18/2024 admin

Maybe Liu Wen can still make trouble for us? Jiang affectionately said incredulously, That’s really too arrogant!

She is not the kind of person who will make trouble with her eyes open, but the kind of person who will make trouble for you behind your back, so please be careful and don’t be calculated.
Yang Jiaojiao doesn’t want her friend to be calculated by a villain to leave the company, and she is very serious about telling Jiang Maimai.
Ginger is not the kind of person who doesn’t know the good heart. She thanked Yang Jiaojiao seriously when she faced her heart.
After Isabella and Lin Qiao had finished talking, they began to go shopping. Isabella asked Lin Qiao out tonight because she was going to close the painting industry again because of the day. When she had a new inspiration, she couldn’t delay.
Lin Qiao couldn’t help laughing after knowing Isabella’s mind. Look at how embarrassed you are now! I didn’t see my boyfriend when I painted the design draft!
Isabella looked at Lin Qiao and finished laughing before saying, It’s okay. Teachers and aunts are friends. Auntie often comes to see me with Xue Han. We get along very well.
When are you going to get married? Lin Qiao looked at Isabella and couldn’t help but say, Although the former one is a little hard to say, Xue Han is a good person!! Don’t you consider one?
Of course I did. I’m not the kind of person who doesn’t know his mind? Is now … or to say Isabella and Xue Han together after nature is to want to two people in the future life.
Lin Qiao saw her face struggling and couldn’t help but say, If you have any difficulties, just say so! We don’t care about you, my friend. You can’t hide it from yourself, you know?
Isabella smiled and shook her head and looked at Lin Qiao’s worried eyes and said, This time, you think too much. There is no trouble. Xue Jia’s recent mastery of Xue Jia is too busy. I want to wait for our two industries to get married, otherwise I am worried that Xue Han is too busy.
Lin Qiao nodded. Since it’s a boyfriend and girlfriend’s heart, there is no need to say anything more. It’s just fun.
Lin Qiao wanted to say goodbye after not reassuring these things, but Isabella suddenly said, When are you and Mu Chen engaged to get married now?
Real Muchen asked me this question is that I’m not ready to want it now … Here Lin Qiao was a little embarrassed but soon calmed down his shyness.
Anyway, maybe we can get married together by coincidence! Isabella looked at Lin Qiao and said, I’m looking forward to the wedding with you.
Lin Qiao couldn’t help laughing at this. Isabella froze as soon as she heard this. What’s the matter? Did I say something funny? How did you become like this?
Nothing feels like Isabella. Did you just talk like you were going to marry me? Lin Qiao smiled cunningly. Isabella thought for a moment. It was like this.
Time passed quickly, and it was time to go home. When I got home, Lin Qiao was surprised to see Muchen sitting on the sofa and waiting. Didn’t I tell you to come back later today? Why don’t you sleep so late?
I’m just worried about you. I just said, I forgot to tell the driver this afternoon and went to the door of your company.
Lin Qiao was stunned before he realized what this sentence meant. Did you see that scene?
Mu Chen nodded and looked at Lin Qiao very seriously. Do you want me to help you solve this matter?
Lin Qiao thought about it after hearing Muchen’约茶资源s suggestion. Forget it! I still have some things I want to solve by myself, and I’ll let you know if I need help.
Hearing this, Mu Chen was satisfied and said, If you have any problems in that company class, you can ask me or Xue Han for help.
Lin Qiao smiled and agreed to his superfluous words without saying a word.
Section 9
Lin Qiaolai can rely on Mu Chen to solve this trouble, but after careful thinking, she still gave up the idea and prepared to solve the trouble herself.
All this is because Isabella said just now that those things are really too dangerous, so we must make a good plan. How can we make Liu Wen unlucky, but there is nothing serious wrong with herself?
Thinking about this method soon arrived the next day. Lin Qiao woke up early and found that he still had no idea, so he could go to class first.
After coming to the company, Yang Jiaojiao went to Lin Qiao and said, I really didn’t know my mother would come yesterday. I’m so sorry.
Yang Jiaojiao knows that this matter has nothing to do with her, but the gesture should be done.
I wish Lin Qiao and Yang Jiaojiao had come, so she didn’t care about it and soon put it behind her.
Liu Wen’s eyes deepened when she saw this scene. Her own expression was not seen for a while, but she didn’t think it was her expression or being seen by Lin Qiao.
After seeing the biting in Liu Wen’s eyes, Lin Qiao became more alert in his heart.
It seems really troublesome for this woman to be so thoughtful!
But Lin Qiao soon had no time to worry about Liu Wen because Yang Ya began to die again.
At lunch, Lin Qiao didn’t mind what happened yesterday, and her colleagues didn’t have any opinions on Lin Qiao because of Yang Mu’s nonsense.
Why didn’t you see your luxury car pick you up yesterday? A colleague who is usually more agreeable to Lin Qiao suddenly came. When people around him heard this sentence, they immediately looked at Lin Qiao.
I wanted to go shopping with my girlfriend yesterday, so I didn’t ask him to pick me up. Lin Qiao doesn’t mind sharing such things with others. After all, it is not an important thing.
You and your boyfriend are really very loving! The colleague couldn’t help but say, My boyfriend won’t pick me up when he plays games at home all day! How annoying!
mine is not a boyfriend! Lin Qiao really saw the curious eyes of colleagues around him after this sentence came out.
Not a boyfriend? The colleague said in surprise, What is that identity?
I’m married! How could it be my boyfriend? That’s my husband! Lin Qiao’s face is sweet and his finger ring has said it all.
I didn’t expect it to be such an ending. Colleagues began to praise the love between the two, and Lin Qiao was lucky, but someone always wanted to show himself different at this time.
Who knows if I bought this ring myself? Yang Ya sat not far away with a look of everyone is drunk and I wake up alone, and the person who had dinner with her could not help but move her body.
I remember a story about Su Dongpo and a monk friend. Lin Qiao looked at Yang Ya with disdain and impatience, but directly fought back. After they meditated, they asked each other what they saw in each other. The monk said it was Buddha and Su Dongpo said it was feces. Finally, Su Xiaomei concluded that there was Buddha in a person’s heart and Buddha everywhere. One person could see feces. What do you say in her heart?
This story was told to Zaizai just two days ago, and Lin Qiao remembered it very clearly.
Yang Ya didn’t react at the moment after listening to it, but immediately after seeing the mocking eyes around her, she turned white. This is sarcasm.
Still dare to satirize me! See if I don’t give you a good look! Yang Ya said that he came to Lin Qiao’s desk and seemed to want to start work.
It’s also because Yang Ya was too arrogant these two days, but no one stopped her. Today, she directly confronted her hand.
But Lin Qiaogen is not afraid that she will directly get angry and pounce on Yang Ya’s face with the plate. As soon as the leftovers on the plate cover Yang Ya’s face.
You’d better stop! The irony in Lin Qiao’s tone is too obvious for Yang Ya to react at all.
I’m telling you that I won’t bother you today because I have something to go back to now. I’m not a troublemaker, but if you always provoke me, I’m willing to give you an unforgettable opportunity. You know what I mean?
Seeing Lin Qiao’s tough words, Yang Ya was directly afraid. After all, she still bullied the good and feared the evil. When Lin Qiao became angry, she dared not say anything.
Looking at Yang Ya nodded and wronged to change clothes, Lin Qiao sneered, but ignored her.
Lin Qiao began to work formally after Yang Ya temporarily died down, instead of handling some unimportant documents here.